Sunday, November 4, 2007

Treasures of the Heart

Imagine hearing the last number of the super lottery number being called while you anxiously looking down at your lottery ticket to see if you have that number. Indeed you do have that last number needed for you to be the winner. A million thought swarm through your head.; the majority of the thoughts being what kinds of new, high-tech gadgets you can buy with that money you just won. The last thing on your mind is how this is going to effect you spiritually. The material objects we posses on Earth will never help us but will distract us and force us to lose focus on our primary goal: getting to heaven.

In the book of Matthew chapter six, Matthew quotes Jesus saying that we should not lay up our Earthly treasures but to lay up or treasures in heaven. I believe that this means we should not consume our lives with material objects but be more concerned with preparing our souls for our judgment day. On Earth we are not supposed to “live it up” by doing anything and everything we want because we “only live once” even if it is immoral or bad. We are supposed to be living a life through the examples that Jesus Christ has set before us. Material objects may make us happy for that moment in time or until we get bored with them but then we begin our search for something new because we become unsatisfied with what we already have. This then leads us to believe that materials are the only thing that will make us happy when in actually God is the only one that can make us truly happy. In believing in God we can have all the happiness in the world without having any material possessions.

Material objects can make a person feel “complete” only to a certain degree but the reason people feel they need more things in their lives is because these objects cannot love a person back. It is that feeling of emptiness that makes a person believe he or she is missing something in their lives. If everyone came to the complete understanding that time here on Earth is short and their reward will be greater in heaven, I believe that people would make their time here on Earth count by appreciating what God has given them and stop placing their faith into false idols and objects. I do believe that people do have this knowledge but in this day and age temptations are around every corner and following this mind set can be a challenge. Yet this challenge can be over come by having faith and by prayer.

In conclusion, filling your life with useless possessions will leave you empty inside and your spiritual life will become non existent. Your mind would be consumed with what you want next; always searching and never filling that void inside of them. Instead, people should be living their lives to help others as well as themselves get to heaven. The treasures that God provides you with will make you happy even if you own very little material objects. The reason Jesus said our reward lies in heaven and not Earth is because we only spend a minimal amount of time here on Earth and eternity in heaven is the greatest gift anyone could ever imagine.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Th Last Resort

Imagine a loved one lying in the hospital in critical condition after a horrific car accident. The doctor in charge comes walking down the hall way toward the waiting room where you wait anxiously to hear any news on the current situation. The doctor looks directly into your eyes and hesitates to say what he needs to say. “There is nothing more can do. All we can do now is pray”. Wrong! Praying to God is not a last resort to any situation in life. Whether it be searching for an answer or asking for help, God should never be the last person you ask but the first person you ask. The finding of Jesus in the Temple applies to our lives today because people attempt to find the answers in everything physical or Earthly rather than going directly to God; the one with all the answers.

In Luke 2:41-52, Luke tells us the story of young, twelve year old Jesus staying behind in Jerusalem after an annual feast. Mary and Joseph , who figured Jesus was with them, set off towards home. After a full day of traveling Mary and Joseph realized Jesus was not with them and headed back towards Jerusalem; searching vigorously and asking anyone and everyone they knew. Three days went by before Mary and Joseph found Jesus in the Temple where He was conversing with the teachers. When Mary asked Jesus why He would do such a thing to them, His response was “How is it that you sought me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” (Luke 2:49). This just goes to show that we, as people, tend to stray from God and forget that He is the first person we should go to for anything. When Mary and Joseph finally looked in the Temple as their “last resort“ it goes to show that even people living today look for God in all the wrong places. Today people look towards other people or things to help them before they ask God. The Temple symbolizes God in the sense that it is the last place we look for an answer.

The story of Jesus in the temple was a foreshadowing then of how people would live their lives in the future: putting their faith in God in the backseat. For the majority of people, it seems as if we try to find an answer in drugs or medicines, false idols, or even other people before we consider asking help from God. It is not bad to pray to God to help us in our lives but it should not be the only time we talk to him. Especially when people try to compromise with God because they do not want to deal with the hard times in their life. “I’ll be good for the rest of my life if help me get out of debt by winning the lottery” or something to that affect.

In conclusion, people go through their daily lives without ever speaking to God unless they are in need of his help and nothing else will suffice. Anyone can pray or talk to God at anytime and one should not just pray to Him when everything else in their lives is going completely wrong. God should not be a last resort. Just as in the story on Jesus in the Temple, we should not look for an answer anywhere else but in God. God should never be the last person you call on but the first.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Monsignor Tom

Throughout my life, I have had the opportunity to meet an array of diverse people. All with their own unique personalities. Yet there is only one truly amazing person who has significantly impacted my life: Monsignor Tom Wallace.

It all started when I turned nine and decided to become and alter server at my local parish; St. Martha’s. Monsignor Tom had recently been assigned to our parish to serve as a beacon to bring our parish up out of its economic turmoil. From the first day I met him, he lived a humble life; a life Jesus wants everyone to live. He was a thin, average height man with grayish side burns running along the side of his face and a balding head. Everyday he wore a black pair of two-sizes-too-big of slacks with a button up, blue, plaid jacket and a white t-shirt underneath. He also wore a pair of worn down black sandals and black socks. In his right hand he carried a half empty bottle of Diet Coke and in his left hand a lit cigarette. Monsignor Tom was a very kind, gentle, and soft spoken man who never raised his voice towards anyone. No matter where he was or what he was doing, he always had a pleasant smile upon his worn and wrinkled face. His walk was slow yet graceful and his presence was felt whenever he walked into a room. If an angel were to come down to Earth disguised as a person, he would be Monsignor Tom. He once told me during confession that “you will probably get to heaven before I do” which says a lot about him. During the time I was an alter server, I had grown to understand that the only thing that matters in life is living a holy life and seeing him live that life, makes him the most influential person to me.

Monsignor Tom has influenced me in so many different ways that I am now just realizing those ways as I reflect on them. The first thing that comes to my mind whenever I think of Monsignor Tom is how he truly does live every day of his life to the fullest following the examples of Jesus Christ. With such an optimistic and cheerful personality, it did not appear that he had any ill hatred toward anyone or anything. Secondly, his humble attitude really stood out to me because I had never, in my life, met anyone who was not even slightly selfish or worried about his own well being. He always put other people’s needs before his own without fail. For instance, he had pulled some money together and was trying to save up for a some what decent car, but just as he was going to buy his car he decided to give that money to the church. Thanks to him the church was brought out of debt. Monsignor Tom never announced his generous donation but somehow word got around and a truck was anonymously given to him. The third thing that has influenced me is his continuous optimism. I honestly can say that I have never heard him say anything negative or slightly pessimistic. This man has made me look at my life and ask myself “why can’t I be just as positive and humble as Monsignor Tom especially when he makes it look so easy?“ This just goes to show what an amazing person he was and still is.

Since I met Monsignor Tom, I see things in a different perspective. He has shown me that nothing is more important than serving the Lord and following in his foot steps and once you have reached that point you can live a life of complete happiness. Monsignor Tom, by far, is the most influential person I have had the opportunity of knowing and has and will forever influence the way I live my life.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

My Hometown

For eighteen years I have been living in a typical suburban wonderland known as Murrieta, California. I have seen it grow from a mere 24,000 people to over 85,000 in that short amount of time and it continues to grow. If one were to view Murrieta from an air plane, all that could be seen is a sea of precisely spaced houses flowing through the hills and the valley of this town . My hometown has grown from a small, sleepy town to a fast growing city of young families.

The city of Murrieta is only sixteen years only and all started with one man named Esequial Murrieta who purchased 52,000 acres of land in Southern California in the year 1873. Esequial Murrieta bought this land because it reminded him of his native Spain and he planned on moving his sheep ranch there from central California. His newly purchased land was filled with grassy meadows, oak trees, and hot springs. Shortly after purchasing the land, Esequial Murrieta handed his land over to his brother Juan who ranched his 100,000 sheep on it. In 1882, the Southern California Railroads laid tracks down linking the valley to a main train route. People came along with the trains to this flourishing town which helped create the Murrieta Hot Springs Resort in the early 1900’s. Eventually the trains ceased to run through Murrieta Hot Springs and a period of fifty years went by before another population boom occurred when interstate fifteen was constructed through the city. Murrieta officially became a city on the first of July, 1991. From then on, the population has grown tremendously along with tens of thousands of houses and buildings but has preserved thousands of acres called the Santa Rosa Plateau.

Since I have lived in Murrieta my whole entire life, I have seen it from its early days when one could go to a grocery store and know everyone to walking down the street and asking yourself if you have ever even met or seen your next door neighbor. Everyone knew everyone in the beginning and things were great. No one ever had to worry about kidnappers or drive-by shootings, child predator, burglary, or graffiti. It was one of the safest place to live because nothing bad every happened because it was such a small, tight-knit community. Now days, it still is a fairly safe place to live but the crime rate has gone up as in any large city. The more people move to this city the less people know them and the fact that Murrieta is just on big “For Sale” sign does not help. Murrieta should be known as the city of endless houses. For as long as I can remember, the city has been building new housing communities on every open lot; trying to cram in as many house as possible with non-existent backyards. Besides watching houses being built, there is basically no entertainment available for the people who live in Murrieta. There are a few sports parks, the occasional high school football game, a “haunted” mill, one movie theater, and plenty of model homes to look at. Yet other than that boredom seems to be around every corner.

I am not saying that Murrieta is a horrible place to live but it is just not an entertaining one. I have grown up my whole life in Murrieta and everything I know is there. From its small beginning, to its big booms; I have seen it all. The best childhood memories come from this town and will forever stay there; the majority of them laced with boredom. Though I do not plan on staying in Murrieta for the rest of my life, I will treasure every moment spent there.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

"Always Love"- Nada Surf

As I was sitting on my couch trying to write this blog, I realized I had been sitting in the same spot for almost two hours trying to figure out what my passion, favorite book, song, or film was. It appeared to me that I was going to flunk this assignment because of the fact I couldn’t come up with anything whatsoever. That was until hearing "Always Love" by Nada Surf play through my computer speakers. Nada Surf’s “Always Love", is a simple yet meaningful and inspiring song that has a way of positively influencing the way I think.

The first time I heard “Always Love” I didn’t pay any attention to the lyrics, but after the third time around, I realized that this song had more depth to its lyrics; attempting to prove a point to its audience. It really makes me think about my life and how I spend my time. Understanding that life is so full of imperfections and hard times, I needed to accept that whatever happens, happens for a reason. If I spent those hard times sulking and wishing things were different, the situation would never improve and progressively get worse. That continuous thought process would forever burden my life, thoughts, and ambitions. It would be as if I were taking two steps backward for every step forward. "Always Love", in a way, brings me back to reality and has shown me that every decision or action I make can either positively or negatively impact my life and the people around me.

The first verse on the song begins like this: “To make a mountain of your life/ Is just a choice/ But I never learned enough/ To listen to the voice that told me/ Always love...Hate will get you every time/ Always love... Don't wait til the finish line". This verse is the most meaningful to me. It basically means that every choice I make in my life determines who I am going to be and who I will be known as after I have died; whether it be a great life or a regretful one. This verse gives me the optimism to believe that one day I might positively impact the people around me. With every decision I face throughout my life, there will always be that little voice in my head persuading me to do the right thing but at the same time there will be an even louder voice trying to convince me to do wrong which I must overcome to be successful.

Music has a way of unexpectedly influencing the way I view life. "Always Love" by Nada Surf is one of those few songs that has positively impacted me into rethinking my life and how I choose to live it. The lyrics are simple enough yet have a greater, positive, underlying meaning. This is the reason why "Always Love" is and will always be my favorite song.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Always Love-Nada Surf

As i was sitting on my couch trying to write this blog, i realized i had been sitting in the same spot for almost two hours trying to figure out what my passion, favorite book, song, or film was. It appeared to me that i was going to flunk this assignment because i couldn't come up with anything until i heard "Always Love" by Nada Surf play through my computer speakers. "Always Love" has always been my favorite song because the message it sends out through its lyrics positively influences they way i think.

Listening to "Always Love" really makes me think about my life and how I spend my time. I have come to realize that life is so full of imperfections and hard times and I need to accept whatever happens. If I were to spend those hard times sulking and wishing things were different nothing will ever get better. That continuous thought process would forever burden my life, thoughts, and ambitions. It would be as if i were taking two steps backward for every step forward. "Always Love", in a way, brings me back to reality and helps me to be more optimistic.

The first verse begins like this:"To make a mountain of your life/ Is just a choice/ But I never learned enough/ To listen to the voice that told me/ Always love...Hate will get you every time/ Always love... Don't wait til the finish line". This verse is the most meaningful to me. It basically means that every choice I make in my life determines who I am going to be and who I will be known as after I have died; whether it be a great life or a regretful one. With every decision I face throughout my life, there will always be that little voice in my head persuading me to do the right thing but at the same time there will be an even louder voice trying to convince me to do the wrong thing that I must overcome.

Music has a way of unexpectedly influencing the way I view life. "Always Love" by Nada Surf is one of those few songs that has positively impacted me into rethinking my life and how i choose to live it. This is the reason why "Always Love" is and will always be my favorite song.